Pre-work: If Only

TDG Audio #1 Trailer Graphic (new footer).png

How did you end up here? However you somehow found The Decade Game, you’re not here by mistake.  It could be a longing or a call for a more fulfilled life.  It’s what I refer to as your “future self” calling, “It’s time to come home.”  In this first episode, we’re going to investigate that longing and how we as women have been written out of the real story or sold ourselves out by playing our game of life according to masculine-dominated rules. It’s important to see how we have fallen asleep to ourselves - waiting for someone or something else to wake us up.   When did we start playing small even though we were dreaming big?   Episode #1 is the beginning of our journey in discovering the whisper of our future self imploring us to come home.



Pre-work: The Stories We Tell Ourselves