Blog Posts
EPIC! Rules of the Game
When you buy a game, you usually quickly scan the Rule Book to get a clear idea of "How to win!" The EPIC! Rules of the Game will help you stay on track to create an epic life - by design, not default. Read The EPIC! Rules of the Game Now.
REfresh REads
Watch Carolyn and the amazing Donna Orender, the founder of GENERATION W, talk about power on purpose.
The Origin of Mother’s Day
The best gift you can give for Mother’s Day to the women you love is to remember and celebrate its origin and original purpose. Here it is…
The Good Ancestor meets the Heroine
Future generations are calling on us - to be the ancestors of an age to come - the ones they can count on to do all that we can today so that they can flourish and thrive. As Heroines embody what they know about courageous leadership, they will inspire the new stories and models of the good ancestor for everyone.
The Shambhala Warrior
As we finally close the books on an extremely challenging year together, on the eve of the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, I have been reflecting on the role that women leaders will and must play in the next several decades to turn all of the breakdowns that we have experienced into breakthroughs.
Setting the Path for the Next Decade
As we close out an incredibly challenging life-changing year it has become clear that this next decade could and should be the most important decade in human existence. A decade of reflection, relooking, revisioning, reimagining, and recreating. So many of the unchallenged assumptions about how we work and gather, and what we value and prioritize have been shattered - liberating us to truly create a life by design, not default.
Life is an Off-Road Journey
An axiom reflects the way we all understand things are. The Decade Game axioms challenge that. Here is a new one I have been thinking about.
Honor the Resistance; Resistance is Futile
Honor the resistance. It is informed by the stories, patterns and survivor skills that have protected you in the past. It is also a portal, a compass, a signaling towards where your work now lies. It is worthy of honoring but not obeying for it can slow down our journey of transformation.
The Good Girl Meets Goldilocks
In guiding, inspiring and encouraging women for decades to uncover their purpose, recover their power and discover their destiny, I have been struck by the similarity of experiences that women have, regardless of country or culture when the “Good Girl meets the Goldilocks Syndrome”.