Pre-work: The Stories We Tell Ourselves

TDG Audio #2 Trailer Graphic (new trailer).png

“We don’t live in our lives.  We live in the stories we tell about our lives.”

Children are like little sponges, taking in messages from others around us. These signals shape what we should do, look like, behave and feel so that we will be loved and safe. I have met with women around the world. No matter their culture or background, they all agree. We were raised to be “good girls”. These lessons are hard-wired into our minds and bodies. They are reinforced by the archetypal stories told by men about women for 5000 years, ever since the Gods overthrew the Goddesses. These stories write the script that governs our character and her plot. The problem is that they are fiction. As women, it has felt impossible to create our own stories from the beginning. Episode 2 is our next step in dismantling the narratives that no longer serve us. Are you ready to rewrite your stories?



Pre-work: Why a Game?


Pre-work: If Only