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If you’re not having fun you’re playing someone else’s game!



It’s the Game You’ve Been Waiting to Play All Your Life

Here is the truth of the matter. 

Women don’t want it all, nor do they want to do it all. They want better. Here is the common theme: “I am working so hard, doing so much for so many. So why am I not fulfilled? Why is that not enough? When and where did I lose my joy?” 

Any of this sound familiar? Here is a simple answer. We are playing someone else's game, set up a long time ago with antiquated rules that make it super hard, and yes, exhausting, for women who strive to be leaders at home, at work and in their communities, all at the same time. The fact of the matter is that the game is rigged. The consequence? We women are asked to give away our power, to play by someone else’s script, and turn away from our potential. The result? We dream big and settle for small. 

That stops today! 

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An Invitation to Create an EPIC! Life by Design, Not Default

Women throughout history…

have been minor characters in the sagas and myths authored by men who have cast women with character flaws that have distorted their power and purpose. In EPIC! one of America’s most respected and accomplished voices on women as leaders and their relationship with power offers a play book for women to write a new story for themselves and rediscover their destiny. 

By doing so, women will rewrite both history and the future.


About Carolyn Buck Luce

CAROLYN BUCK LUCE is one of America’s most respected and accomplished voices on women as leaders and their relationship with power. A sought-after speaker, she was appointed by New York City’s former Mayor Bloomberg to his Commission on Women’s Issues and has co-authored numerous articles in the Harvard Business Review on Women’s Leadership, as well as Diversity and Inclusion. 

Across five decades, Carolyn has been a successful diplomat, Wall Street banker, management consultant, healthcare futurist, talent innovator, professor, author, philanthropist, wife, mother, and grandmother. Carolyn’s life journey navigating a man’s world has given her a unique perspective on living an epic life of meaning and purpose, regardless of the obstacles. Today, she uses her proprietary Decade Game to coach leading women around the globe to step fully into their power at home, at work, and in the world.

How do you know if you are playing an EPIC! Game? Pick the 4 adjectives that best describe you in your full power and purpose.  

My EPIC, Empathetic, Passionate, Innovative, Courageous, wants your EPIC to come out and play!


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