The Woman’s Power Playbook

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“Lorum ipsum fugit mensa tuis est tuis!” - Lordes Mendez


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Lorem ipsum fugit? Mensa est tuis septum otto novum?


Lorum ipsum fugit est tuis. Puellae agricolae est nostrum!

When you think about why you buy a board game, it isn’t because you want to open it up and read the rules. You buy it for its epic quest and objective: Fun, Fame, Fortune, Discovery, Companionship, Happiness. You are drawn to the challenge and the excitement. You love it for its twists and turns, for the adventure and innovation that gets sparked. You play to win!  

A game encompasses all of life’s emotions, the highs and lows.  And yet…..if you lose, you learn and immediately are ready to play again - a little wiser.   So, I ask, why can’t life feel like that? No matter how hard and challenging it can be. Why not live a life of curiosity and adventure, one where the challenge itself is part of the game? When did playing by all the rules of life begin to take away the fun of a good challenge? 

“Lorum ipsum fugit est tuis, decium!!!” - Lan Owes

The Decade Game Master Class is ready for you. Join this interactive, game-changing experience that will give you a treasure map and compass to guide your path forward to uncover your purpose, recover your power and discover your destiny at home, at work, and in the world.


“A forum ipsumeof the forum”. - Lorum Ispum

The Woman’s Power Playbook

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Name three words to describe the word EPIC. 

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“A insightful forum ipsum into theof the forum”. - Lorum Ispum


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What are three words you would use to describe the word EPIC?


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Weekly Themes

Week One

 Were you raised to be a “good girl” with stories about what good girls should do, can’t do, must do?  Do you wonder who you could be and what you could do, if only…? Has your experience attempting to thrive in a masculine, patriarchal world made you believe at times that you are not enough or at best, an imposter? Or have you been told that you are “too much” and it would be better for everyone if you would “dim your light”?  

When did you start playing small even though you were dreaming big? In Week One you begin of your journey in writing a better story.

 Week Two

 What happened to the beauty of magical thinking?  Do you remember playing make-believe as a child? I do. My mother’s wedding dress had a name – “Sea Foam over Dawn”.  It had tulle netting the color of sea foam as the upper layer with a pink satin sheath underneath.  I loved putting it on and pretending I was a princess. 

When did you start believing that you were not magical? In Week Two you dismantle the old stories and core beliefs that have eroded your power and purpose and lean into the strengths and superpowers that have and will fuel your dreams into action.  

 Week Three

 Why are you on this planet at this time?  What is your north star that has guided you throughout your life?  What is the song line or underlying philosophy that runs through your decisions and choices? This is what we call Your Stand.   Your Stand is your Theory of Change about how the world gets better for you– spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally .

Where do you Stand? In Week 3 you learn how to uncover your Stand and define your life’s work that will illuminate your journey, no matter what the world throws at you.

Week Four

 How will you know yourself, and be known by the people who love you after a decade of focused, unrestrained, fearless commitment. Imagine you had become a “master” in all aspects of your life - - Self, Relationships, Vocation, Learning and Commitment to Community. 

How do you design the best decade of your life, so far? In Week 4, you discover a powerful epic identity– your decade destination that screams “destiny”. And the Decade Game board is revealed – ready for you to start building your unique game. Surprise – it’s 5 games rolled into 1!

Week Five

Are you tired of living in silos – trying to balance the demands of being a leader at home, at work and in the world all at the same time?

How do I show up as my best self for me, and the people I love?  In Week 5, you envision You and your relationship with others.  You map the path for deepening your relationship with the people you love – current and future – as they too progress in their decade.  

Week Six

 Did you know that your job is not what they are paying you to do? It’s so much bigger than that. It’s an opportunity to bring something beautiful and unique into the world that only you can do.

What is my genius? In Week 6, you reshape your professional journey into the role of “Master Craftswoman”, producing powerful outcomes. You also identify a new path of learning (and shed old paths) so that your decade is infused with discovery, curiosity and wonder. 

Week Seven

 Have you ever wondered how to play the long game of destiny and the short game of tomorrow?  To always be living your purpose, on purpose? Both your “being” and your “doing” are unique gifts to the world.

You can’t get There from Here, but you can get Here from There. In Week 7, we complete your power playbook by deciding where you  are “all in” by investing in your gifts – gifts of time, talent, trust and treasures -where you pay back and forward to a better world.

 Week 8 - All In


You will learn the tips and practices that bring inspiration into practical every-day choices and actions

Ready to play? 

The Decade Game Master Class includes:

  • Weekly live 2-hour workshops for eight weeks on Mondays at 12pm PT/3pm ET

  • Weekly game moves based on the theme of the week that you can do at your own pace and schedule – including a podcast with a Decade Game Graduate interviewed by Carolyn, an exercise to make the theme come alive for you, a short video tutorial and journaling questions.

  • A Decade Game Playbook

  • Live small group coaching

  • Weekly 90 minute office hours on Wednesdays at 4:00pmPT/7:00pm ET

  • Live visit with Lynne Twist, NY Times best-selling author of The Soul of Money

Spring 2022 Master Class Dates:

March 7th - April 25th

Register Now

Register for our spring 2022 course that begins on March 7, 2022.

Master Class

Not decided? Join the waitlist.

 What People Are Saying…

This is not about metrics and benchmarks (thankfully). It’s about using your imagination to power yourself up for making the next decade the best one of your life. It can be about achievement at work or improving the relationships that matter to you or any other aspect of your life you can imagine being better. – Francis Dunwell, Hudson River Estuary Coordinator

The Decade Game came at a pivotal time for me - 10 years after launching my 2nd career. The game is helping me get clarity on what would be truly authentic and energizing contributions to my clients and community, and areas of personal growth for me to enable those contributions. I would highly recommend it. – Henna Inam, Coach and Author Wired for Disruption

Clarifying my stand, destination and pillars gave me not only valuable perspective for weighing and designing future options, but also confidence in observing how past choices and outcomes implicitly connected to these guiding themes. – Lori Rosenkopf, Simon and Midge Palley Professor at the Wharton School

The Decade Game helped me to understand and connect the most fundamental things about myself--in some ways I feel like I clicked myself into place and am now feeling such a sense of "Ahhhhh." – Terri Polley Former President & CEO of Financial Accounting Foundation

I am so grateful that I dedicated the time & myself to this experience. It has created a sense of purpose, calm & confidence that I have longed for. I can't wait to dominate my next decade. – Laurie Kowalevsky, CMO, Lilly Biomedicines at Eli Lilly

This was a tremendously valuable experience that was absolutely transformational. It provided me with a relevant, thoughtful and actionable framework for focusing on my purpose. It helped me think bigger and challenge myself to be my best self. – Lisa Shalett, Advisor to Startups; Board Director,

I have had the good fortune of knowing Carolyn for the last decade. She's an amazing, powerful, engaging and gifted leader. She stands for the power of women to heal themselves, and by doing that, the world. To that end, she has created one of the most powerful coaching tools that I have experienced - The Decade Game – Marci Shimoff, NYT Best Selling Author Happy For No Reason