The New Rules of the Game

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The New Rules of Game Free Download

An axiom is a statement or proposition which is regarded as established, accepted or self-evidently true. The challenge is that widely accepted axioms are part of the “way things are” and best reflect what has worked for “the majority” in our culture and society. Well, the way things are is not working for many of us. It’s time for a new way.

I’ve created The Decade Game with a new set of rules that allow us to play a game of our own design, one that will guide each and every move as we live into the best decade of our life, so far. The Decade Game axioms are fun rules to live life by. They work in both the good and difficult times. Remember, if you are not having fun, most likely you are playing someone else’s game. Enjoy these axioms and create new ones as we reinvent our futures.

Game On!

Love, Carolyn


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